Your data and I have a rather brief but meaningful relationship. I am Milos Novovic, contactable at, and you can find out more about me at my website,, whose domain name sounded really smart to me when I purchased it, but which I am having second thoughts about.
Anyway. I collect your IP address for two sensible reasons: to show you my website (which seemed like the point of you visiting it) and to protect said website from individuals whose intentions are considerably less noble than yours.
This data processing is based on what lawyers call “legitimate interests,” which is their way of saying “because it makes sense to everyone involved.” I use one cookie, which remembers whether you prefer my website dressed in light or dark. It’s not particularly nosy and doesn’t gossip about you to anyone.
Your IP address occasionally takes a holiday to the United States via my hosting provider, Netlify. After 30 days, I ceremoniously forget your IP address ever existed. However, should something suspicious occur, I might remember it for up to 6 months – much like one remembers the face of a particularly suspicious character at a garden party.
You have an impressive collection of rights: to access, correct, erase, restrict, object to use of, and transfer your data. I don’t make automated decisions about you because, frankly, that sounds like far too much work and far too little gain. It’s an IP address.
Should you feel the need to complain (and who doesn’t occasionally?), you may address your grievances to your local data protection authority, who will receive them with all the enthusiasm of a tax collector finding an additional form. Not that I am discouraging you - in fact, please do - but if you want to discuss things with me first, it would be great if you could drop me a line.