This list is very, very much a work in progress. It merely tries to systematize the Court’s own tagging of the cases, which is notoriously incomplete (see it in its full glory here: Case law by CJEU-topics). I will update the list to a more meaningful one; if you want to help (or have one already), drop me a line!
1. Definitions and scope
- Definition of ‘personal data’: C-579-21
- Concept of ‘information’: C-487-21
- Concept of ‘copy’: C-487-21
- Definition of ‘recipients’: C-579-21
- Concept of ‘processing’ of personal data: C-659-22
- Concept of ‘controller’: C-231-22, C-272-19, C-807-21, C-461-22, C-60-22
- Scope of GDPR: C-461-22
- Purely personal or household activity: C-461-22
2. Principles of processing
- General principles relating to processing: C-340-21, C-60-22, C-205-21, C-394-23, C-446-21, C-77-21
- Purpose limitation: C-60-22, C-394-23
- Data minimisation: C-60-22, C-394-23
- Storage limitation: C-77-21
- Accountability of the controller: C-340-21
3. Lawfulness of processing (legal basis)
- Lawfulness of processing: C-175-20, C-205-21, C-306-21, C-34-21, C-394-23, C-60-22, C-621-22, C-180-21
- Conditions for lawful processing: C-667-21
- Concept of ‘legitimate interests’: C-621-22
- Necessity of processing for legitimate interests: C-621-22
- Concept of consent: C-673-17
- Consent (including pre-ticked checkboxes, cookies): C-61-19, C-673-17, C-129-21
- Consent management framework: C-604-22
- Consent of teachers for data processing: C-34-21
- Absence of consent: C-60-22
4. Controllers, joint controllers, and processors
- Controllership and joint controllership: C-60-22, C-461-22, C-604-22
- Joint control and responsibility: C-60-22, C-683-21
- Subsequent processing by third parties: C-231-22, C-180-21, C-604-22
- TC String as personal data: C-604-22
5. Data subject rights
- Right of access: C-272-19, C-307-22, C-487-21
- Scope of right of access / obligation to provide information: C-757-22, C-169-23, C-579-21
- Provision of a copy of the data: C-487-21
- Access to data in specific contexts (former guardian, journalists, courts): C-461-22, C-245-20
- Right to object: C-394-23
- Right to restriction of processing: C-60-22
- Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’): C-129-21, C-200-23, C-231-22, C-60-22
6. Controller obligations
- Transparency of information: C-757-22
- Record of processing activities: C-60-22
- Security measures: C-340-21, C-687-21
- Data protection officer: C-453-21
- Liability and exemption from liability: C-741-21
7. Data breaches
- Data breach and database management: C-77-21
- Security measures (protective measures): C-340-21, C-687-21
- Transmission of data to unauthorized third parties: C-687-21
8. Special categories of data
- Biometric and genetic data: C-205-21
- Data concerning health, sexual orientation: C-21-23, C-667-21, C-446-21
- Data relating to criminal convictions/offences: C-439-19
- Data relating to title and gender identity: C-394-23
9. Specific processing contexts
- Employment context: C-65-23, C-34-21
- Assessment of employee’s working capacity: C-667-21
- Medical records and treatment liability: C-307-22
- Collection/storage of identity documents: C-61-19, C-496-17
- Credit information agencies: C-634-21
- Mobile applications, log data, electronic files: C-659-22, C-579-21, C-60-22
- Online sale of travel documents: C-394-23
- Online publication of personal data: C-456-22
- Oral disclosure of criminal data: C-740-22
- Passenger Name Record (PNR) data: C-817-19
- Personalised advertising and online social networks: C-446-21
- Publication without consent / disclosure to sponsors: C-456-22, C-621-22
- Video recording in electoral processes: C-306-21
- Transmission via electronic mailbox: C-60-22
- Sports federation: C-621-22
- Commercial interest: C-621-22
10. Cross-border data transfers
- Transfers of personal data to third countries: C-311-18
- Adequacy of protection, national security, and public interest: C-311-18
- Standard contractual clauses: C-311-18
- One-stop shop mechanism and cross-border processing: C-645-19
11. Supervisory authorities (SAs)
- Competence and powers of supervisory authorities: C-33-22, C-169-23, C-245-20, C-807-21
- Discretion and corrective powers: C-768-21
- Tasks of supervisory authority: C-416-23, C-768-21
- Administrative fines: C-768-21, C-807-21, C-683-21, C-590-22
- Complaints, requests, and excessive requests: C-416-23
- Right to complain: C-169-23
12. Remedies, liability, and compensation
- Right to compensation and liability: C-300-21, C-340-21, C-456-22, C-507-23, C-667-21, C-687-21, C-741-21, C-590-22, C-200-23
- Assessment, conditions, amount, and form of compensation: C-300-21, C-507-23, C-590-22, C-741-21
- Concept of ‘damage’ and impact of negligence: C-507-23, C-667-21
- Claim for compensation based on fear: C-590-22
- Compensation for non-material damage: C-507-23, C-456-22, C-590-22, C-667-21
- Simultaneous infringement of GDPR and national law: C-590-22
- Principle of effectiveness (remedies): C-507-23
- Relationship between remedies: C-132-21, C-21-23
- Infringement of specific data subject rights: C-757-22, C-507-23
- Unlawful processing of data: C-507-23
- Whether possible to consider the attitude/motivation of the controller: C-507-23
13. Procedural and jurisdictional issues
- Article 267 TFEU, concept of ‘court or tribunal,’ temporal effect: C-439-19, C-272-19, C-579-21
- Ability of a constitutional court to maintain effects of incompatible legislation: C-439-19
- Principles of primacy of EU law and legal certainty: C-439-19
- Procedural autonomy and consistent application: C-132-21, C-507-23
- Incompatibility of national rules: C-300-21
- Inadmissibility of request for assessment of validity: C-687-21
- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU: C-645-19
- Proportionality and exclusion: C-175-20, C-461-22
- Effective judicial protection and presumption of innocence: C-205-21
- Rights of defence in civil proceedings: C-180-21
14. Interaction with other legal frameworks
- Consumer protection and unfair commercial practices: C-21-23, C-319-20, C-757-22
- Abuse of a dominant position and powers of competition authorities: C-252-21
- Protection of privacy in electronic communications: C-129-21
- COVID-19 certificate processing: C-169-23
- Verification of validity of EU Digital COVID Certificates: C-659-22
- Corruption in public sector / declaration of private interests: C-184-20–
- National security and public safety: C-33-22, C-817-19